Best Time to Visit WDW

The number one question I get is; when should I visit Walt Disney World? My response is, always, it depends. Are you taking the kids out of school? Do you want to avoid major crowds? Are you worried about hurricane season or weather in general? First, the best time to visit is when you’re able to take a vacation in your schedule. But if you have some flexibility let’s go through the year so you can make the best choice for your family!


Crowds: The first week of January will be busy with Christmas break vacationers. The second full weekend of January tends to be the RunDisney marathon weekend. So although this week/ weekend will be busy with runners. The parks are not going to be at capacity all day, but they will be busy. RunDisney events tend to be very very early in the morning. This will effect bus routes to the parks in the morning. When planing to rope drop just know it may take you a little longer than normal to get to the park. Then second half of the month the crowds tend to get quieter. The Epcot Festival of the Arts usually to starts mid month. Opening day of any event will be a busy day. Otherwise the end of the month is a good time to go crowd wise.

Weather: The sun is setting fairly early this month and it can be cool. It can also be warm. The weather can have an identity crisis at times. Good news rain is not common this month. It might rain but it is not like August weather!


Crowds: The first two weeks of February tend to have lower crowds, it can be a nice time to visit. The events have settled in so the initial crowds have also calmed down a bit. The next couple of weeks in February the crowds do change a bit. A lot of the New England states have a winter break during Presidents Day week. That following weekend is the Princess RunDisney Weekend. This is a very busy time. Like any RunDisney event the roads will be busy in the morning as the runners are finishing. The last week of February has a carry over from the RunDisney weekend and the last week of New England winter break.

Weather: The weather in February can be warm but also can be cool. It is good to pack a sweatshirt as it will change throughout the day. You may have some pool weather but it is not guaranteed.


Crowds: This is a pretty busy month. A lot of schools have a spring break during March. You’re probably safer the first week of March and then after that be prepared for larger crowds.

Weather: The days are getting longer the sun is shining it is nice time to visit Florida. Yes there can be some cooler days but less than February. Flower and Garden Festival is in full swing and if you live in a cold climate, like me, this is a magical time to visit.


Crowds: The beginning of April tends to be busy. Spring break is not over yet! Depending on when Easter falls crowds vary around the holiday. The last couple of weeks New England schools have their spring break. RunDisney hosts another event towards the end of the month. The last week of April is going to be the least busy of the month.

Weather: This is my kind of weather. The days are so nice and warm, but not overly hot. You will definitely have beautiful weather for a pool day. If I could pick anytime to visit, this was always the time. Living in a place where winter won’t get the hint to leave, it is nice to have a break from the cold and breakout the flip flops!


Crowds: This is a pretty sweet spot. Most schools are still in session finishing up the school year. The weekends and Memorial day will be the busy part of the month.

Weather: May is getting hot and the rainy days are more frequent. This is the month you can expect a quick mid day shower. Overall May is a nice time to visit. You will have some nice pool days, the parks are open a little later & the sun is setting later and later summer is almost here!


Crowds: Kids are getting out of school and heading on vacation. The start of the month is going to be a little quieter than the end of the month. Overall still a busy time to visit.

Weather: It is now summer in Florida expect it to be hot & a bit of rain each day. Pool time will be a must as well as carrying your water bottles and taking an AC break. Hurricane season has officially begun this month. It is important to pay attention to weather as you’re getting closer to your vacation. June may not be the height of hurricane season but it can be very disappointing if one is to interrupt your trip.


Crowds: The busiest summer month is July. Everyone is finally out of school parents have time off around the 4th of July & Disney has an amazing 4th of July fireworks display. The week of the 4th no matter where it falls will be one of the busiest weeks of the year.

Weather: It is hot and it will rain each day. Outdoor rides and pools will close when lighting is near. You’re getting close to peak hurricane season so paying attention to the future weather forecast is important, as well as packing a poncho or umbrella.


Crowds: The start of the month is busier than the end of the month. At the beginning everyone is going to be squeezing in the last of their summer vacations. The last two weeks you will start to see a dip in attendance. A lot of southern schools go back mid August and if you have a fall athlete they will be busy at summer sessions. The Halloween party also begins mid August. Yes, you read that correct Halloween starts in August in Disney World. The first party of the year will be busy, but if you’re in Disney at this time it is worth going, it is a very fun night!

Weather: If you can stand the heat, the end of the month, is a great time to go. Yes it is hurricane season and yes it will 100% rain when you’re there but the lower crowds and not having to miss school make it worth it, in my opinion.


Crowds: Just after Labor Day are going to generally be the lowest crowds of the year. If you don’t have kids or don’t mind pulling your children out of school that first week after Labor Day will be wonderful. It will get busier as the month goes on but not what I would call Disney busy. The Halloween party is in full swing and so is Epcot’s Food & Wine Festival. It is a fun time for everyone to visit.

Weather: It is still summer hot and still hurricane season be warned and be prepared. With some rain gear and a watchful eye on the forecast you will be in good shape.


Crowds: This is a busy month. A lot of schools have a fall break. There are some long weekends and that is a recipe for lots of people. The Halloween party is popular this month & so is Food & Wine. RunDisney has Wine & Dine towards the end of the month, it tends to overlap with Halloween. Personally I love the fall decor this time of year, if you don’t mind the crowds it is a great time to go.

Weather: It is getting cooler, but I would not say it is cool! It is definitely mostly warm/ hot. You will have good pool days but may want to pack a sweatshirt incase you have a cooler moment of the day. You’re nearing the end of hurricane season but not out of the woods yet!


Crowds: This is another busy month. Anytime there is a holiday there will be more people. With more than one holiday expect higher crowds. Shortly after the Halloween party ends the Christmas one begins. If you can plan a week starting with Halloween and ending in November you can hit both parties!

Weather: Hurricane season is coming to an end at some point this month. It, like any month, can rain but it is not the rainiest month of the year. The chance of a pool day is not guaranteed but it is a possibility.


Crowds: December goes from fairly lower crowds to absolutely insane. The week between Christmas and New Years is peak season for Walt Disney World. The Magic Kingdom can close to capacity at times this week more than once. If you can go the week after Thanksgiving the first week of December you should be very happy with the crowd levels. But if you go the last few weeks don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Weather: In my New England girl opinion the weather is pleasant this time of year. You won’t be sweaty all the time, which I love. You might be able to wear shorts but will want to pack a sweatshirt for cooler parts of your trip.

Do you have a favorite time of the year? When would you like to go? I would love to hear from you.

Genevieve Buck

Portsmouth, NH native loves to travel, mostly to Disney. When not planning magical vacations you will find me at my daughters’ field hockey games or trying to learn to surf or paddle board, in the summer I am not out there in the winter, yet. I love to chat Disney, anytime, please contact me for free Disney vacation planning. -Genevieve

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