Traveling to Walt Disney World in a pandemic

Greetings Disney friends-

I am just home from a whirlwind trip to Walt Disney World with my daughter and can not wait to share our experiences with you all. First I want to say I know traveling during the pandemic is not for everyone and not possible for everyone. I am not able to give advice on if it is right for you, please talk to your doctor if traveling is a good idea for you and your family. I am here to share our experiences and to help you plan your trip better!

For starters I was very stressed about traveling during this crazy pandemic. Are the airlines really going to be safe? What is security at the airport really like? Is everyone going to wear a mask? How is social distancing? My list of worries was long, But let’s start with the airport, my first worry. We flew Delta out of Boston’s Logan airport. I had read Delta was keeping the middle seat open, but still I worried. We double masked it for the flight, to be as safe as possible! My first worry at the airport; the security checkpoint. We have TSA pre-check, which I highly recommend. The TSA officer asked us to pull our mask down for a second after checking out ID and then we were good to go. There was no line, we flew out at 7am, the airport in general was quieter than normal.

Once we got to our gate we had a little time and wanted something to eat. There was not much open, we are not sure if this was the hour of the day or pandemic related… I blame the pandemic. We found one Dunkin Donuts open, with surprisingly no line. After grabbing breakfast and making our way back to the gate we found seats with no one around us and enjoyed our meal.


When it was time to board the plane Delta did a fantastic job. They boarded the plane from the back, which always made more sense to me anyways. The middle seat open is a fact and I am relieved. A Delta employee handed us each a purell packet as we boarded the plane. The trip down was easy and uneventful. When getting off the plane Delta agains makes an announcement to wait for the row in front of you to go before you do and to social distant. Some people ignore all of this, but the plane did not have many people on it to begin with are we got off with no problems.

Since we are staying at a Walt Disney World resort we head straight to the Magical Express, sadly for one of the last times. Disney has markers out to social distant while waiting in line. Everyone I passed through out the airport was still wearing a mask. When it was our turn to check in to the Magical Express it worked like normal times, scan your magic band they confirm your party and resort behind the plexiglass and direct you to the correct line. The next cast member assigns everyone in your party a seat on the magical express to ensure social distancing on the bus. I was starting to feel better already.

While on the Magical Express we received a text notification that our room was not ready just yet, the online check in was working well. Once we got to the hotel, room still not ready, it was very early. We handed bell services our bags and we were off.

I had a lot of worries about traveling and still can’t say I was 100% comfortable, but would I do it again, yes! I felt safe flying Delta & once we got to Disney they have strict mask rules as well as are constantly cleaning, I felt safe in the Disney bubble. Picking the right airline was key to feeling and staying safe while traveling.

I would love to hear from you! Have you traveled? Do you take extra precautions? Are you anxious like me?

Thanks for reading everyone!

Genevieve Buck

Portsmouth, NH native loves to travel, mostly to Disney. When not planning magical vacations you will find me at my daughters’ field hockey games or trying to learn to surf or paddle board, in the summer I am not out there in the winter, yet. I love to chat Disney, anytime, please contact me for free Disney vacation planning. -Genevieve

Where to Stay Wednesday- Polynesian


Where to stay Wednesday: Pop Century Resort